Cyprus Organizations

CSTI is a non-profit nongovernmental organization. It was established in 2006, following a 2-year long project of the Travel Foundation that created a partnership of UK leading tour operators, environmental Cypriot NGOs, the Cyprus Tourism Organization – CTO (Deputy Ministry of Tourism as of JAN19), Cyprus Travel Agents and small village producers, their communities and associations.   +357 99800189

CAC focuses on promoting agrotourism in Cyprus, encouraging travelers to explore rural areas, experience traditional Cypriot life, and support local communities. They provide information about agrotourism accommodations and experiences.   +357 22340071

The official website of Nicosia Tourism board, in which you can find information about Nicosia, activities and ongoing events. Also, you can book tour guide for sightseeing.   +357 22889600

CSTI is a non-profit nongovernmental organization. It was established in 2006, following a 2-year long project of the Travel Foundation that created a partnership of UK leading tour operators, environmental Cypriot NGOs, the Cyprus Tourism Organization – CTO (Deputy Ministry of Tourism as of JAN19), Cyprus Travel Agents and small village producers, their communities and associations.   +357 99800189

CAC focuses on promoting agrotourism in Cyprus, encouraging travelers to explore rural areas, experience traditional Cypriot life, and support local communities. They provide information about agrotourism accommodations and experiences.   +357 22340071


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Module 5: Gamification in tourism

Gamification is the use of mechanisms, elements and rules known from games (e.g. scoring, rankings, badges, rewards, tasks, challenges, etc.) in situations that are not

Module 3: Accessible tourism

This module aims to raise awareness of the need of accessible tourism, both from the perspective of the tourist and the requirements needed to conduct


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