Module 7: Rhetoric and public speaking

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The module aims to explain what rhetoric is, and what is the role in rhetoric in the work of a tour guide, with particular attention to various aspects of speech act: linguistic correctness, voice modulation, coherence of speech, enweaving anecdotes and interesting facts, non-verbal communication.

Rhetoric is a very old art (the ancient Greeks in Sicily gave birth to it) of formulating statements in such a way as to induce a certain behaviour in the recipient. Today, it is broadly used in advertising, politics and marketing.

In the profession of a tour guide, rhetoric helps use language more consciously, and therefore effectively, nicely and graphically. In a word, it teaches how to neatly convey a thought, how to present it to tourists in an interesting way.

Duration: 60 min

After completing the module, the learners will:

  • be able to build a coherent lecture/speech on a given topic,
  • be understood by the recipients
  • be able to weave relevant events and characters into a vividly constructed context,
  • be able to interest the audience with his/her speech
  • be able to use non-verbal communication in a balanced way


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