Module 5: Gamification in tourism

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Gamification is the use of mechanisms, elements and rules known from games (e.g. scoring, rankings, badges, rewards, tasks, challenges, etc.) in situations that are not related to them.

The aim of gamification is to motivate and increase involvement of people participating in various actions, e.g. education, marketing, sales, etc.

Examples of using gamification elements in different fields:

  • Mobile apps that encourage physical activity by awarding points for completing certain exercises or walking a certain distance.
  • Loyalty programmes in which customers collect points for making purchases and can redeem them for rewards or discounts.
  • The use of gamification in training and courses, where game elements help participants to better absorb knowledge.
  • In marketing – e.g. by organising competitions with prizes or engaging users in interactive advertising campaigns.

Duration: 90 min

After completing the module, the learners will:

  • know what gamification is, know the basic forms of gamification and be able to use them in their work to make their offer more attractive,
  • know the basic principles of creating city games, field games, quests, LARPs        
  • know how to adjust tours to the rules of gamification,
  • know how to use existing tourism resources for gamification.


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