#WAST Online Space Community is a networking site that allows guides and visitors to connect each others, including groups of people who share similar interests about alternative and sustainable tourism. Users can share pictures, videos, articles and opinions with their friends.
The main purpose of #WAST Online Space Community has always been to connect young women and youth in the tourism sector, by engaging them in training activities for creating unique sustainable and alternative tours, involving them in their cultural heritage and supporting them in learning new skills and competencies. #WAST is a way to find people with the same interests with you, connect with them, and keep up with them creating Communities. The #WAST is used to create and organize communities of interest on sustainable and alternative tours.
This online community gives the opportunity to young professionals to create new networks of collaboration between the partner countries with other various actors in sustainable and alternative tourism (organizations, individuals etc.) to promote their work
The WAST Space Community Guide is designed to assist users in navigating and maximizing their experience on the online community platform. There is a step-by-step guide that explains how to set up a profile, connect with other members, join groups, participate in discussions, and explore different features and functions. You can benefit from this guide whether you’re new to social networking or a seasoned professional.
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