Organizzazioni greche

Discover some of the most eco-friendly destinations in Greece.

MEDITERRANEAN SOS Network is a non-profitable, non-governmental organization active since 1990, which comprises of 70 ‘Full Members’. MedSOS is dedicated to protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development at national and Euro-Mediterranean level.   +30 2108228795

The ‘Grecopaths Team’ consists of local experienced people & licensed partners who are specialized in several outdoor activities.   +30 6933051333

ELLINIKI ETAIRIA (Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage – ELLET) has since 1972 been active in the fight for the preservation of Greece’s natural environment and cultural heritage.   +30 2103225245

Cultivating the highest-altitude mountain vineyards in Greece at Metsovo since 1959, Katogi Averoff offers unique wine-centric experiences in a winning combination of wine, art and hospitality.   +30 2656031490

Local Food Experts and its partners is a multidisciplinary team, that elaborates on practical sustainability issues.   +30 2813019466

The Greek Ecotourism Society is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, based in Athens. We aim to highlight the importance of Greece as an ecotourism destination throughout the world, help protect the individual ecotourism destinations of Greece and promote them within Greece and over the world market.


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Module 5: Gamification in tourism

Gamification is the use of mechanisms, elements and rules known from games (e.g. scoring, rankings, badges, rewards, tasks, challenges, etc.) in situations that are not

Module 3: Accessible tourism

This module aims to raise awareness of the need of accessible tourism, both from the perspective of the tourist and the requirements needed to conduct


Support Young Women and Professionals in the field of Alternative and Sustainable Tourism 

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