Organizacje w Ukrainie

Organization of tours in Ukraine   +38(098)776-06-91

See-K is an emerging cultural hub covering the architecture, art, music and media emanating from Kyiv.

The Organization plays a leading role in the establishment of protected areas, biodiversity monitoring and promotion of sustainable use of natural resources. Over the past six years, at least half of all protected areas established in Ukraine had UNCG members among the authors of scientific justifications or were actively supported by its members.   +38097 79 60 889

Organization of tours in Kosiv district.   +38 097 155-8487

WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural systems and build a future in which people live in harmony with nature. can be achieved by preserving the biodiversity of the planet; rational use of   +38 063 753 37 67

We have been in love with travelling for 12 years. We create author’s trips in Ukraine, exciting world travels, tips, life hacks and impressions. We are friends for friends.

098 782-71-77


More Courses

Module 5: Gamification in tourism

Gamification is the use of mechanisms, elements and rules known from games (e.g. scoring, rankings, badges, rewards, tasks, challenges, etc.) in situations that are not

Module 3: Accessible tourism

This module aims to raise awareness of the need of accessible tourism, both from the perspective of the tourist and the requirements needed to conduct


Support Young Women and Professionals in the field of Alternative and Sustainable Tourism 

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