When telling a story, don’t be boring for the audience!

● Avoid constantly repeating dates and names of people who are not central to your narrative. A guided tour is not a lecture. Ask yourself if you could manage to concentrate for more than an hour on such a tour?

● Don’t tell a monotonous story. Your voice is a wonderful instrument, it has many possibilities: you can lower or raise it, emphasise important facts with it. You can change the pace: speak slower or faster -depending on the story, e.g. a story about a fast-paced battle told in a slightly faster and raised tone of voice is definitely more memorable; a story about a long and tiring journey told in a slower and even voice, etc. This will add colour to your narrative and will not be tedious.

● Add emotions to what you are saying, sometimes a hint of expression, dearness or other warm feelings, sometimes anger or rage – it all depends on what you want to emphasise in your story.

● Remember about literary devices: use epithets, rhetorical questions, exclamations, etc.

● Make eye contact with your audience, don’t turn your back on them, ask questions – if possible, e.g.: What do you think…?, Do you like the exhibit?, What do you think happened next? – Involve them in your story.

● Speak as if you want someone to speak to you, put yourself in the shoes of your audience who is expected to listen to you for a minimum of an hour….

● … and practice your voice, your diction, your imagination – remember: practice makes perfect!!!


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