Poster – Leaflet – Brochure

  • OIC Poland Foundation (Lublin, Poland)
  • Emporiko kai Biomixaniko Epimelitirio Lefkosias (Nicosia, Cyprus)
  • CYBERNO AMKE (Athens, Greece)
  • Associazione Ergon a favore dei Sordi (Pianezza, Italy)

The #WAST project aims to empower young women and youth in the tourism sector, by engaging them in training activities for creating unique sustainable and alternative tours, involving them in their cultural heritage and supporting them in learning new skills and competencies.

  • Support of young women graduates & students from the guiding tour and tourism sector through digital and educational tools to acquire valuable transferable skills and enhance their curricula to enter the working tourism sector.
  • Foster European cooperation & new networks of collaboration in the field of youth through non-formal learning by setting up an online space where networking opportunities will take place among young professionals.
  • Improve the offer of alternative forms of tour guiding and promotion of tourist destinations through an online environment that brings together young professionals and tourists.
  • Promote social participation of marginalized and vulnerable groups.
  • Promote the active involvement of artists, interested in the tourism sector (e.g., photographers, musicians) for increasing the percentage of tourists in the destinations involved.
  • Young women graduates or students in tourism or guide-touring sector.
  • Professionals in tourism sector.
  • Artists in tourism.
  • NGOs working with youth, immigrants and refugees.
  • Tourism companies and agencies.
  • Tourism departments in universities and colleges.
  • Labor departments (for women and immigrants).
  • #WAST Guide : The #WAST guide will include learning topics and material that usually are not provided by Tourism Departments in tertiary education.
  • Digital Alternative Resource Map : This digital map will include information for the different towns of the project partners as well as good practices for sustainable and alternative tourism. The online map will also include information about legislation regarding sustainable tourism in each country.
  • Online Space Community : This online community will give the opportunity to young professionals to create new networks of collaboration between the partner countries with other various actors in sustainable and alternative tourism (organizations, individuals etc.) to promote their work.


More Courses

Module 5: Gamification in tourism

Gamification is the use of mechanisms, elements and rules known from games (e.g. scoring, rankings, badges, rewards, tasks, challenges, etc.) in situations that are not

Module 3: Accessible tourism

This module aims to raise awareness of the need of accessible tourism, both from the perspective of the tourist and the requirements needed to conduct


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