Module 4: Storytelling & vocal pedagogy

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For some time now, storytelling has started to become more and more popular. The reason for that is probably the fact that it is used in marketing as a tool to promote a product or brand. Therefore, what exactly is storytelling and how can it be used in tourism?

To put it simply, storytelling is building up a story – in the case of guided tours – it is a story based on historical facts, myths or legends. 

If, in addition to this, a tour guide uses the right intonation and modulation of his/her voice so that telling the story does not cause any physical problems (a sore or dry throat after talking for a long time) and if he/she adds elements of improvisation to the narration, so as not to be afraid of changing the style of the story, or of questions that can “put the tour guide off the stride” – then the guide’s work will become a pleasure. Not only will the he/she be heard, but most importantly, he/she will be listened to.

Duration: 60 min

The aim of this module is to give answers to the following questions:

  • What storytelling is and how to use it when building narration,
  • How important it is to “tell the story” in the right way in tour guide narrative,
  • How to talk/describe things in an encouraging, interesting way to be heard and listened to,
  • What to look out for when building a story.


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